Available Domain Types
We've listed all our available domain types below, along with any relevant information specific to the domain suffix, such as any registration rules and the domain name cost. Take a look over our extensive choice of domains, find the one that best suits your needs and then check domain availability.
When you register a domain name with GetDotted, everything you need to start up is included completely free. We'll give you a free email address and use of our website builder to build a one-page website so you can get going immediately.
Domain Name Suffix Explanation
gTLD domains
gTLD stands for Generic Top Level Domain, and includes extensions such as .com, .org, .net and .info.
ccTLD domains
ccTLD stands for Country Code Top Level Domain, and includes suffixes such as .uk, .co.uk, .me, .be, and .co.
Second Level Domains
Second level domains include suffixes such as .uk.net, and .eu.com.
Please note: The domain prices shown on this page are ex. VAT.
Register domains from just £2.08 per year and get a free email address and a single page website.
GetDotted Domain Name Types
Browse our list of low-cost domains below, all prices exclude VAT.
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Showing All Domain Types
Look through all the domain suffixes we have available and find your ideal domain name
Showing Top Domains
Top Domains include the most popular suffixes, along with some of our best-selling domains
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- {{ years }} Yr: £{{ price.price }} £{{ discounts[price.code][domain.domain]['exvat_price'] }} £{{ price.price }}
Sorry. No domains matched your search.
How to Register a Domain Name
Here is our guide to the domain name registration rules for various top and second level domains you can register at GetDotted.com.
We strongly advise against registering somebody else's name or a trademark unless you have the owners permission to do so. Such registrations may be treated as 'abusive' by the domain registry or ICANN and in the case of objection by a third party, the domain name could be legally removed from you without compensation.
Some general advice when registering a domain name is given below:
Register as many domain names as you like! If you don't need them later they can be left to expire.
New domain names must be three letters or more and consist only of A-Z, 0-9 and dashes.
If a two word name like mydomain.com is taken, try hyphenating it as my-domain.com.
If your surname, for example honeyford.com, is not available, consider the plural honeyfords.com.
Avoid offensive names and other people's trademarks.
What can I do with my domain name?
With a domain name you have the web at your finger tips, whether you're interested in starting a domain name portfolio, setting up a unique e-mail address or launching a personal blog or eCommerce site, the possibilities are endless! Our What is a Domain Name page has more ideas as to how you can start using your new domain.