Register cheap .com domains with loads of free extras
Every .com domain comes complete with useful extras that are yours to keep. Type the word or phrase of your choice and click search.
Every .com comes loaded with extras.
Yours to keep while you are with us.
Free Email Address
Free Webmail Access
Free-To-Use RQS Site Builder
Unlimited Subdomains & DNS Controls
20% Auto-Renewal Discount EVERY time
What comes with a domain?
Register .com Domains for just £10.22 ex VAT per year!
Get global appeal with the world's most recognised and popular domain extension.
The .com domain extension has been massively popular with household brands and names for many years, and has established itself as one of the most successful domain types available. If you are looking for a new domain, then a .com may be the perfect place to start, and may even gain you an advantage in search engines.
With over 175 million .com domains already registered, there's significant evidence to support why a .com should be one of your first choices for a new domain name. They are not location-based, and have global appeal, which is ideal for businesses that trade internationally and for website owners looking for a wider audience.
Why should you buy a .com domain name?
Your choice of domain name can say a lot about your website or business. Here are the top 3 reasons why a .com might be right for you.
.COM Domains FAQ's
In some instances, yes, depending on your particular needs. For example, for international traders, a .com has no associated location, which may result in a wider audience and returns in broader internet searches. However, as there are certainly some positives with their popularity, it's always worth considering a .com, whether as a first choice or as a secondary domain.
Yes, the .com domain extension is available for anyone to register. As they are location-free, there are no special requirements for registering them, other than valid registrant details.